The Best Survival Kits

Having the proper supplies for emergencies offers a peace of mind that you can't put a price on. When you're looking for a compact package that includes basic tools and first aid equipment, a survival kit is the way to go. Survival kits are meant to be stored in a convenient location in case of disaster, whether it be man-made or natural. Commonly referred to as "bug-out bags", this essential equipment can help treat wounds, provide emergency rations, or give you added security. If you're concerned about your family's level of preparedness, check out the survival kits we've selected as our favorites.

The Best Ladder Bookshelves

A ladder bookshelf is an excellent way to maximize and organize your space with style. From your favorite books and picture frames to bathroom amenities and even spices, this versatile piece of furniture can truly make all the difference when it comes to creating a functional home. You'll be able to enjoy the benefits of a traditional bookshelf but with a more modern and space-saving design. And although this is a relatively basic (yet somehow magical) item, there are plenty of different styles to choose from. To help you find the right ladder bookshelf for your needs, we've put together a list of some of our favorites on the market today. 

The Best Glass Coffee Mugs

While the classic ceramic coffee mug definitely has its place, a new trend we've been seeing (and loving) lately is the glass mug. With a design that's at once timeless and modern, a glass coffee mug is pretty yet practical. Sometimes double-walled, this kind of mug keeps the contents piping hot, making it ideal for lounging around while you casually enjoy your morning brew. On the flip side, glass mugs are excellent for iced coffee, too, because the glass helps keep the coffee cold for longer. And despite being made of glass, these mugs are often more durable than the typical ceramic cup. If you've never sipped from a glass coffee cup, now is the time to start. To help you do exactly that, we've reviewed a few of our favorites here.

The Best Kegerators

There are few things worse than dipping into a party keg only to find a warm, flat beverage that once could have been called "beer". Clearly, proper refrigeration for any keg is crucial to the enjoyment of all present. Instead of plopping your keg into an ice bath and just hoping for the best, it's time to upgrade to a proper kegerator. We've rounded up a list of some of the best kegerators that function as coolers, carbonators, and beer taps all in one. Read on to find your next homebrewing, house-partying must-have.